DIY Mickey Candy Box

Heart shaped box but make it Disney! I’ve had this idea in my head for so long and I can’t believe It’s actually done and exactly what I envisioned. It is a pretty easy and inexpensive DIY, but a little time consuming. Just like everything good!
For this project you’ll need:
2 sheets of foam board
Hot Glue
Spray Paint
Start by tracing out your Mickey outline. I used a dinner plate and a salad plate to trace mine out. Nothing fancy! I really try to just use things around the home and inexpensive items.

Using a craft knife, carefully cut out your Mickey shape. Then, use that to trace out another Mickey on the same sheet of foam board.

With the second sheet of foam board cut strips a bit thicker than the items you’re going to place in your box. I began with 3 inch strips, but that was WAY too high. I ended up cutting it down to 1 1/2 inch strips. You’re going to want a second set of strips a little thicker than your first as well. One set for the “box” and one for the “lid”.

After you cut your strips, you’re going to want to score them so that you can shape and bend them to the Mickey shape. You’re going to cut through the first layer and foam inside but don’t cut completely through the foam board. I scored them every 1/4 inch for the ears, because they’re much smaller circles and need the foam board to bend more. I scored the foam board every 1/2 inch for the larger circle.

Once you’ve scored all of your strips you’re going to start glueing the shorter strips to the outline of your mickey, I glued mine about a half an inch in from the edge.

Once you glued down the mickey outline with the shorter strips, you’re going to add the taller strips inside of your Mickey. This is going to ensure that the lid and bottom fit together. Basically you’re going to place your taller strips inside of the Mickey, add glue on top (if you have a high temp glue gun this step will be much easier but it can still be done with a low temp one. That’s what I have.), and place your second Mickey head cutout on top. This will complete your box!

Once the glue has dried you can spray paint your Mickey any color you’d like! Obviously, pink is my favorite!

TIP: After I painted it and let the spray paint dry, I added freezer paper to the bottom of my box because I put edible items in mine and didn’t want them to touch the painted surface.

Once your paint has dried and you’ve lined your box (if you’re putting food in it), you’re ready to fill it with goodies!
I filled mine with Mickey chocolate peanut butter cups. I’ll be posting the recipe for those soon!!