DIY Sprinkles

What do you do when you have something specific in mind that you really want but you can’t find anyone who makes it? Well, you make it yourself! I’ve been searching for specific teenie tiny character sprinkles for a cookie I’ve had in mind for a while. However, I just can’t seem to find exactly what I had in mind. Then, LIGHT BULB! Make your own!
I took cake decorating classes before I became a mamma and I remembered that there’s a certain kind of frosting that becomes REALLY hard and you can preserve for a long time for cake decorations. Well, I figured, what’s the difference between sugar flowers and sprinkles? Let’s give it a try!
My first step was to create a template for my sprinkles so that I’m not piping all over the place, and so that my characters are uniform. I placed a sheet of parchment paper over my template and taped it all down.

Next step would be to make the icing. It will be thick but not too thick. If it’s drying too quickly, add water drop by drop until you have a consistency that still forms peaks but doesn’t puddle or flood. Add your color. Add your icing to piping bags fitted with a size 3 tip. Your frosting sprinkles should harden a bit (it won’t be sticky to the touch) within 30 seconds.

Again, using a size 3 Wilton piping tip, begin piping your shapes on to your parchment paper, one row at a time. You should be able to see your template through the parchment. Once finished with one row, go back and tap the any rising peaks down using your finger. I covered my finger in plastic wrap to make sure everything was nice and clean. Leave your icing to dry for at least 30 minutes to ensure the sprinkles will be hard enough to endure removing from the parchment. I made the mistake of removing some too early and they broke apart. You could also just leave your sprinkles to dry overnight and remove them the next morning. This is what I ultimately ended up doing and worked one sheet at a time for about a week to slowly produce my sprinkles.

Using the whisk attachment of your mixer, mix all ingredients on medium/low for 7-10 minutes until stiff peaks form. Mix in whatever color you'd like.
Using the whisk attachment of your mixer, mix all ingredients on medium/low for 7-10 minutes until stiff peaks form. Mix in whatever color you'd like.