Tag: DIY

Pink Pumpkin

Pink Pumpkin

Are you ready for another easy peasy DIY from me? This is another embarrassingly easy DIY. I found this giant pumpkin at Target last year. (I have no doubt it will be back again this year) It’s plastic and it’s basically the same as those 

Clay Mickey Hanging

Clay Mickey Hanging

Coming to you from day 8 of my quarantine, I started thinking about all of the crafts I’ve been wanting to do with no time to do them. Well, it looks like I got some time on my hands!! Right? Well…there’s a little problem. All 

Giant Valentine’s Box

Giant Valentine’s Box

Valentines season is here and I am ALL about this holiday! In Mexico they call it the day of love and friendship, and I really love that. I’m getting into the Vday mood with this super fun and easy craft!

Have a ton of Amazon boxes laying around? PERFECT!


-Rectangular box

-Pink Paint (I used spray paint)

-Red Vinyl

For the hearts:

-Paper mâché hearts from the craft store


-Red vinyl

To begin, I do have to give credit where credit is due. I was inspired to do this craft by a post on The Sprinkle Factory blog.

This was a super easy craft with a big visual payoff. Start by tracing out a Mickey on your box. I used a bowl and a plate to make this template. Nothing fancy. Very carefully, cut it out with an craft blade

Next, you want to prep your box for painting by cutting away any of the raw tape edges to make sure everything is nice and neat.

You could paint your box with craft paint or spray paint. I used spray because it’s what I had laying around and I was feeling lazy. It took about 4-5 layers to get it to full coverage and no drips.

I used the mickey cut out as a template to cut a slightly larger mickey to use as the red outline on the box. And, a template from the Silhouette website for the “Sweet” cutout.

For the hearts, I just purchased paper mâché hearts at Hobby Lobby, Painted them, and cut out phrases on red vinyl using my silhouette machine to add once the hearts dried.

DIY Flamingo Piñata

DIY Flamingo Piñata

It’s almost summer again and summer brings FLAMINGO SEASON! Well, I’m not sure if there’s an actual flamingo season but in the world of shopping and parties it’s almost FLAMINGO SEASON and I wanted to share the pinata that I made for Olivias 1st birthday